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■2005年Kawano, T., Kadono, T., Yang, S.C. and Muto, S. (2005) Noncompetitive inhibition of lanthanide-induced oxidative burst by zinc in tobacco BY-2 cells: A chemiluminescent analysis. In: Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence Progress and Perspectives (Eds, Tsuji, A., Matsumoto, M., Maeda, M., Kricka, L.J., Stanley, P.E.) World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore. pp. 299-302.(分担執筆、査読あ り)(著書・論文)
Tanaka, M., Ishizaka, Y., Tosuji, H., Kunimoto, M., Nishihara, N., Kadono, T., Kawano, T., Kosaka, T., Hosoya, N. and Hosoya, H. (2005) A new bioassay system for detection of chemical substances in environment using green paramecia, Paramecium bursaria. In: Environmental Chemistry - Green Chemistry and Pollutants in Ecosystems (Eds., Lichtfouse, E., Schwarzbauer, J. and Robert, D.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp. 673-680.(分担執筆、査読あり)(著書・論文)
Kawano, N., Kawano, T. and Lapeyrie, F. (2005) Environmental metal cation stress and oxidative burst in plants - a review. In: Environmental Chemistry - Green Chemistry and Pollutants in Ecosystems (Eds., Lichtfouse, E., Schwarzbauer, J. and Robert, D.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp. 631-643.(分担執筆、 査読あり)(著書・総説)
Kawano, T., Kosaka, T. and Hosoya, H. (2005) Impact of a sulfonylureic herbicide on growth of photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic protozoa. In: Environmental Chemistry - Green Chemistry and Pollutants in Ecosystems (Eds., Lichtfouse, E., Schwarzbauer, J. and Robert, D.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp. 495-504.(分担執筆、査読あり)(著書・論文)
Kawano, T. and Shimokawa, K. (2005) Effects of methyl jasmonate and ethylene on chlorophyll degradation in Citrus unshiu, a non-climacteric fruit. ITE Letters 6 (4): 354-358.
Kawano, T. and Shimokawa, K. (2005) Role of climacteric ethylene production in methyl jasmonate-induced green loss in Orin apples. ITE Letters 6 (4): 350-353.
Lin, C., Yu, Y., Kadono, T., Iwata, M., Umemura, K., Furuichi, T., Kuse, M., Isobe, M., Yamamoto, Y., Mastumoto, H., Yoshizuka, K. and Kawano, T. (2005) Action of aluminum, novel TPC1-type channel inhibitor, against salicylate-induced and cold shock-induced calcium influx in tobacco BY-2 cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 332 (3): 823-830.
Michiki, K., Haraguchi, A., Kadono, T., Kawano, T., Nakazawa, K., Nishihama, S., Suzuki, T., Uezu, K., Yahata, Y., and Yoshizuka, K. (2005) Spatial and seasonal variations of water chemical environments of the Ongagawa river. Environmental Science (環境科学会誌) 18(4): 339-348.
Gavrilin, M. A., Gulina, I. V., Kawano, T., Dragan, S., Chakravarti, L., Kolattukudy, P. E. (2005) Site-directed mutagenesis of CCR2 identified amino acid residues in transmembrane helices 1, 2, and 7 important for MCP-1 binding and biological functions. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 327(2): 533-540.
Jambois, A., Dauphin, A., Kawano, T., Ditengou, F. A., Bouteau, F., Legue, V. and Lapeyrie, F. (2005) Competitive antagonism between IAA and indole alkaloid hypaphorine must contribute to regulate ontogenesis. Physiologia Plantarum 123(2): 120-129.(総説)【FULL TEXT】
Takahashi, T., Yoshii, M., Kawano, T., Kosaka, T. and Hosoya, H. (2005) A new approach for the assessment of acrylamide toxicity using a green paramecium. Toxicology in Vitro 9(1): 99-105.
Furuichi, T. and Kawano, T. (2005) Possible application of electron spin resonance to monitoring of prion diseases and hypotheses on oxidative action and propagation of copper-bound infectious protein. Bulletin of Nippon Sport Science University(日本体育大学紀要)35(1): 71-80.(総説)
河野智謙(2005)化学工学系留学生の専門基礎学力と日本語での理解度の分析(1):多言語による 元素周期表の作成作業.北九州市立大学国際論集 (CIEE Journal The University of Kitakyushu) 3: 87-100.
Kawano, T., Furuichi, T. and Muso, S. (2004) Controlled salicylic acid levels and corresponding signaling mechanisms in plants. Plant Biotechnology 21(5): 319-335.(総説)
Kawano, T., Kadono, T., Fumoto, K., Lapeyrie, F., Kuse, M., Isobe, M., Furuichi, T. and Muto, S. (2004) Aluminum as a specific inhibitor of plant TPC1 Ca2+ channels. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 324 (1): 40-45.【関連】外国特許コード:F120006690
Kawano, T., Tanaka, S., Kadono, T. and Muto, S. (2004) Salicylic acid glucoside acts as a slow inducer of oxidative burst in tobacco suspension culture. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung 59c (9,10): 684-692.
Kadono, T., Shiota, K., Tanaka, M., Kawano, T., Kosaka, T. and Hosoya, H. (2004) Effect of symbiotic algae on the growth kinetics in dark-grown Paramecium bursaria. Endocytobiosis and Cell Research 15: 63-70.【PDF】
Kawano, T., Kadono, T., Hosoya, H. and Kosaka, T. (2004) Green paramecia as an evolutionary winner of the oxidative symbiosis: A hypothesis and supportive data. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung 59c (7,8): 538-542.
Kawano, T., Kadono, T., Fumoto, K., Kosaka, T. and Hosoya, H. (2004) Flow cytometric analysis of extreme euglenoid movements in Euglena gracilis: effects of a sulfonylureic herbicide and hydrogen peroxide. ITE Letters 5 (3): 297-302.
Kawano, T. and Shimokawa, K. (2004) Allylisothiocyanate vapor as an inhibitor of ethylene-induced degreening during ripening of bananas. ITE Letters 5 (2): 167-171.
Kadono, T., Kawano, T., Hosoya, H. and Kosaka, T. (2004) Flow cytometric studies of the host-regulated cell cycle in algae symbiotic with green paramecium. Protoplasma 223 (2-4): 133-141.
Yokawa, K., Suzuki, N. and Kawano, T. (2004) Ethanol-enhanced singlet oxygen-dependent chemiluminescence interferes with the monitoring of biochemical superoxide generation with a chemiluminescence probe, Cypridina luciferin analog. ITE Letters 5 (1): 49-52.
Jambois, A., Ditengou, F. A., Kawano, T., Delbarre, A. and Lapeyrie, F. (2004) The indole alkaloids brucine, yohimbine, and hypaphorine are indole-3-acetic acid specific competitors which do not alter auxin transport. Physiologia Plantarum 120 (3): 501-508.
(2004) エチレン情報伝達と活性酸素(5)− 植物におけるオゾンとエチレンの生物学.植物生産 化学・園芸利用学研究論文集:エチレンからクロロフィルまで(宮崎大学農学部下川敬之教授退官記念) pp.131-138.(総説)
河野智謙(2004)エチレン情報伝達と活性酸素(4)− サリチル酸とエチレン.植物生産化学・園芸 利用学研究論文集:エチレンからクロロフィルまで(宮崎大学農学部下川敬之教授退官記念) pp.124-130. (総説)
河野智謙(2004)エチレン情報伝達と活性酸素(3)− エチレン以外のシグナル活性ガス一酸化窒素 (NO)の研究動向.植物生産化学・園芸利用学研究論文集:エチレンからクロロフィルまで(宮崎大学農学 部下川敬之教授退官記念) pp.119-123.(解説)
河野智謙(2004) エチレン情報伝達と活性酸素(2)− エチレン応答エレメントと転写制御因子.植 物生産化学・園芸利用学研究論文集:エチレンからクロロフィルまで(宮崎大学農学部下川敬之教授退官 記念) pp.113-118(総説)
河野智謙(2004) エチレン情報伝達と活性酸素(1)− 分子遺伝学が明らかにしたエチレンの受容と 情報伝達の仕組み.植物生産化学・園芸利用学研究論文集:エチレンからクロロフィルまで(宮崎大学農 学部下川敬之教授退官記念) pp.105-112(総説)
河野智謙(2004) エチレン研究における下川敬之の存在 − 植物のエイジング研究の40 年.植物生 産化学・園芸利用学研究論文集:エチレンからクロロフィルまで(宮崎大学農学部下川敬之教授退官記念) pp.1-8(解説)
河野智謙,F. Lapeyrie,河野央子(2003)キノコ由来物質による根の形態変化,オーキシン応答反応 の撹乱.根の研究の最前線4.森田茂紀編、根研究会刊行 pp.679-683. (分担執筆)(著書・総説)
Muto, S. and Kawano, T. (2003) Salicylic acid and aromatic monoamines induce generation of active oxygen species leading to increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in tobacco suspension culture. In: Advanced Researches on Plant Lipids (Eds., Murata, N., Yamada, M., Nishida, I., Okuyama H., Sekiya, J., Hajime, W.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. pp. 343-346. (分担執筆)(著書・総説)
Miyoshi, N., Kawano, T., Tanaka, M., Kadono, T., Kosaka, T., Kunimoto, M., Takahashi, T. and Hosoya, H. (2003) Use of Paramecium species in bioassays for environmental risk management: determination of IC50 values for water pollutants. Journal of Health Science 46 (6): 429-435.【PDF】
Kawano, T., Kadono, T., Furuichi, T., Muto, S. and Lapeyrie, F. (2003) Aluminum-induced distortion in calcium signaling involving oxidative bursts and channel regulations in tobacco BY-2 cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 308 (1): 35-42.
Kawano, T. and Shimokawa, K. (2003) Novel colorimetric index for kinetic analysis of the ethylene-induced total color changes in citrus peel: use of CIE L*a*b* color parameters. ITE Letters 4 (3): 337-340.
Kawano, T. (2003) Biological actions of rare earth element ions in plants: a review. ITE Letters 4 (1): 44-48. (総説)
Kawano, T. (2003) Roles of the reactive oxygen species-generating peroxidase reactions in plant defense and growth induction. Plant Cell Reports 21 (9): 829-837.(総説)
Kawano, T. (2003) Possible use of indole-3-acetic acid and its antagonist tryptophan betaine in controlled killing of horseradish peroxidase-labeled human cells. Medical Hypotheses 60 (5): 664-666.
Kawano, N., Kawano, T. and Lapeyrie, F. (2003) Inhibition of the indole-3-acetic acid-induced epinastic curvature in tobacco leaf strips by 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Annals of Botany 91 (4): 465-471.
川野裕之,奥本真弓,坂本沙央理,珠光綾子,河野智謙,小阪敏和,細谷浩史(2003) 広島大学西条 キャンパスのギフチョウ.広島虫の会会報 42: 1-5.
高橋利幸、吉井昌信、河野智謙、小阪敏和、細谷浩史(2003)ミドリゾウリムシを用いたアクリル アミド毒性のバイオアッセイ.原生生物学雑誌36(1): 74-75.【PDF】
河野智謙(2003) 植物はどのように塩ストレスに応答するか.金属カチオンが活性酸素生成を誘導し, 細胞に障害をひき起こす.化学と生物 (日本農芸化学会)41(2):77-79.
Kawano, T. Kawano, N. and Lapeyrie, F. (2002) A fungal auxin antogonist, hypaphorine prevents the indole-3-acetic acid-dependent irreversible inactivation of horseradish peroxidase: inhibition of Compound III-mediated formation of P-670. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 294 (3): 553-559.*【PDF】
Tanaka, M., Murata-Hori, M., Kadono, T., Yamada, Y., Kawano, T., Kosaka, T. and Hosoya, H. (2002) Complete elimination of endosymbiotic algae from Paramecium bursaria and its confirmation by diagnostic PCR. Acta Protozoologica 41: 255-261.*
Kawano, T., Pinontoan, R., Hosoya, H. and Muto, S. (2002) Monoamine-dependent production of reactive oxygen species catalyzed by pseudoperoxidase activity of human hemoglobin. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 66(6):1224-1232.*
Pinontoan, R., Krystofava, S., Kawano, T., Mori, I.C., Tsuji, F., Iida, H. and Muto, S. (2002) Phenylethylamine induces an increase in cytosolic Ca2+ in yeast. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 66(5):1069-1074.*
Kawano, T. and Hosoya, H. (2002) Oxidative burst by acellular haemoglobin and neurotransmitters. Medical Hypotheses 59 (1): 11-15.*
河野智謙,F. Lapeyrie,河野央子(2002) 植物の根に関する諸問題(105) キノコ由来物質による根の形態変化,オーキシン応答反応の撹乱. 農業および園芸 77 (4): 523-527.(Review)
河野智謙、小阪敏和、細谷浩史(2002)ミドリゾウリムシの酸化的環境ストレスに対する耐性.原生生物学雑誌 35(1): 61.【PDF】
Kawano, T., Muto, S., Adachi, M. Hosoya H. and Lapeyrie, F. (2002) Spectroscopic evidence that salicylic acid converts a temporal inactive form of horseradish peroxidase (Compound III) to the irreversibly inactivated verdohemoprotein (P-670). Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 66(3): 646 - 650.*
Kawano, T., Muto, S., Adachi, M. Hosoya, H. and Lapeyrie, F. (2002) Spectroscopic evidence in support of horseradish peroxidase Compound II-catalyzed oxidation of salicylic acid but not of phenylethylamine. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 66(3): 651 - 654.*
Kawano, T., Kawano, N., Muto, S. and Lapeyrie, F. (2002) Retardation and inhibition of the cation-induced superoxide generation in BY-2 tobacco cell suspension culture by Zn2+ and Mn2+. Physiologia Plantarum 114(3): 395-404.*
Kawano, T.(2002) Combining plant responses to toxic metals and environmental salt stress - An unified theory (Invited Review Article). European Association of Chemistry and the Environment Newsletter 3: 7.*【PDF】
Fujiwara, Y., Tomishige, M., Tanimoto, Y., Kadono, T., Kawano, T., Kosaka, T., and Hosoya, H. (2002) Effects of 8 T strong static magnetic field on Behavior of some paramecia. Proceedings of the VIth Asian Conference on Ciliate Biology p. 75.
細谷浩史,鈴木芳菜,鈴木裕太,寺田雅美,西川高博,河野智謙,小阪敏和 (2001) 広島大学西条キャンパスのギフチョウ. 広島虫の会会報 40: 1-6.
Mori, I.C., Pinontoan, R., Kawano, T., and Muto, S. (2001) Involvement of superoxide generation in salicylic acid-induced stomatal closure in Vicia faba. Plant & Cell Physiology 42(12): 1383-1388.*
Kawano, T., Kawano, N., Hosoya, H. and Lapeyrie, F. (2001) A fungal auxin antagonist, hypaphorine competitively inhibits indole-3-acetic acid-dependent superoxide generation by horseradish peroxidase. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 288(3): 546-551.*
Kawano, T., Kawano, N., Muto, S. and Lapeyrie, F.(2001) Cation-induced superoxide generation in tobacco cell suspension culture is dependent on ion valence. Plant, Cell & Environment 24 (11): 1235-1241.*
Kawano, T., Jambois, A., Kawano, N., Ditengou, F.A. and Lapeyrie, F. (2001) Indolic alkaloids as competitive inhibitors of the action of indole-3-acetic acid: In vivo analysis in growing Eucalyptus tap roots. Proceedings of the 6th Symposium of the International Society of Root Research pp.60-61.