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■2000年Kawano, T., Pinontoan, R., Uozumi, N., Morimitsu, Y., Miyake, C., Asada, K. and Muto, S. (2000) Phenylethylamine-induced generation of reactive oxygen species and ascorbate free radicals in tobacco suspension culture: mechanism for oxidative burst mediating Ca2+ influx. Plant & Cell Physiology 41(11): 1259-1266.* 【PDF】
Kawano, T., Pinontoan, R., Uozumi, N., Miyake, C., Asada, K., Kolattukudy, P.E. and Muto, S. (2000) Aromatic monoamine-induced immediate oxidative burst leading to an increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in tobacco suspension culture. Plant & Cell Physiology 41(11): 1251-1258.*
Preobrazhensky, A.A., Dragan, S., Kawano, T., Gavrilin, M.A., Gulina, I.V., Chakravarty, L. and Kolattukudy, P.E (2000) Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 receptor CCR2B is a glycoprotein that has tyrosine sulfation in a conserved extracellular N-terminal region. The Journal of Immunology 165 (9): 5295-5303.*
Kim, Y.K., Kawano, T., Li, D.X. and Kolattukudy, P.E. (2000) A mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase required for induction of cytokinesis and appressorium formation by host signals in the conidia of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. The Plant Cell 12(8): 1331-1343.*
Kawano, T., Sahashi, T., Uozumi, N. and Muto, S. (2000) Involvement of apoplastic peroxidases in the chitosaccharide-induced immediate oxidative burst and cytosolic Ca2+ increase in tobacco suspension culture. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter 14: 117-124.
Kawano, T. and Muto, S. (2000) Mechanism of peroxidase actions for salicylic acid-induced generation of active oxygen species and an increase in cytosolic calcium in tobacco suspension culture. Journal of Experimental Botany 51(345): 685-693.*
Kawano, T., Adachi., Kurata, H., Azuma, R. and Shimokawa, K. (1999) Calcium-dependent catabolism of phaeophorbide a in tomato fruit. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 68(4): 810-816.*
Kawano, T., Nakachi, K., Kurata, H., Adachi, A. and Shimokawa, K. (1998) Iron-catalyzed decomposition of allylisothiocyanate yielding ethylene. Forum Utama Sumber Informasi Ilmiah 4: 3-6.*
Kawano, T. (1998) Mengapa aspirin baik untuk kesehatan tanaman? Mekanisme biokimia dari induksi pertahanan melawan serangan pathologis pada tanaman (タイトル英訳:Why aspirin is good for plant health? Biochemical mechanism for resistance induction against pathogens in plants). Forum Utama Sumber Informasi Ilmiah 3: 1-3.(Review)(インドネシア語)*
Kawano, T., Sahashi, N., Takahashi, T., Uozumi, N. and Muto, S. (1998) Salicylic acid induces extracellular superoxide generation followed by an increase in cytosolic calcium ion in tobacco suspension culture: The earliest events in salicylic acid signal transduction. Plant & Cell Physiology 39(7): 721-730.*
Kawano, T. and Shimokawa, K. (1994) A simple method for vacuum extraction and quantitative determination of internal ethylene in the excised apple tissue. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 63(2): 453-459.*