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■シンポジウム講演等Kawano, T. (2008) Novel bio-sensing strategies using plant cells and protozoan cells focusing on the behavior of redox-sensitive ion channels. 1st International Workshop on the Biosensing Technologies Utillzingthe Structures & Functions of Living Organisms(文部科学省知的クラス ター創成事業(第U期)広域化プログラム第 3 回ワークショップ)(2008. 3. 3-5; Kitakyushu, Japan)
Kawano, T. (2007) Assessing the possible ecological impacts of seasonal bursts in photochemical oxidants using bio-monitoring plants. ( 招聘講演) 2007 Taiwan-Japan International Symposium on Environmental Science, Technology and Management in Tainan (National Cheng Kung University). (2007.9. 13; Tainan, Taiwan)
Kawano, T. (2007) Ozone-induced gene expression and cell death in the biomonitoring plants: a case of long-range transport of air pollutants from oversea sources in Northeast Asia.(招聘講演)2007 台日師生環 境工程興管理学術検討会 (2007 Taiwan-Japan International Symposium on Environmental Science, Technology and Management at National Taipei University of Technology). (2007.9. 10; Taipei, Taiwan)
Kawano, T. (2007) Uses of medaka fish, protozoa, algae and semi-aquatic plants for assessing the ecological impacts of aquatic pollutants: A Case for rice paddy field micro-environment exposed to fire-fighting agents. (招聘講演)Japan-Taiwan Joint International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology: Environmental Chemistry, Bioscience and Managements (2007.2.4-7; Kitakyushu, Japan)
Kawano, T. (2006) Monitoring of atmospheric and aquatic chemicals using plants and protozoan cells.(招聘 講演)Interflow Workshop on Environmental Science and Technology between NTUT and UOK (2006. 9. 4-5; Kitakyushu, Japan)
Kawano, T., Furuichi, T., and Kadono, T. (2006) Redox-responsive calcium signaling in plants.(招聘講演) Second International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology (2006.5.23; Beijing, China)
Kawano, T., Furuichi T. and Muto S. (2004) Salicylic acid signal transduction from extracellular oxidative burst to calcium channel activation.(招聘講演)NIAS-COE/PROBRAIN/TOKUTEI Joint International Symposium. “Plant Immunity” - Signaling to Acquired Resistance. (2004.3.5; Tsukuba, Japan)
Kawano, T. (2005) Biology and chemistry of salicylic acid actions in plants. (基調講演)Xiamen 2005, 2nd International Workshop on Environmental and Metabolic Biochemistry of Plants and Microorganisms (2005.9.26-28; Xiamen University, China)
Kawano, T. (2001) Generation of reactive oxygen species by plant peroxidases and other heme proteins.(基 調講演)The 2nd Symposium of PPI-JT (Indonesian Student Association in Central Japan) (2001.3.20, 豊橋技術科学大学)
Kawano, T. (2007) Natural and artificial peroxidases as the sources of ROS: their significances in plant signaling and defense. ( 招聘講演) Seminaires internes et internationaux !!! du Laboratoire d’Electrophysiologie des Membranes (LEM) 2007, Universite Paris diderot (Universite Paris 7) (2007.12.11; Paris, France)
Kawano, T. (2007) ROS and Ca2+ signaling.(招聘講演)Seminaires du Laboratoire d’Electrophysiologie des Membranes (LEM), Universite de Paris 7 (Universite Denis Diderot) (2007.5.9; Paris, France)
Kawano, T. (2006) Plants’ cellular and biochemical and responses to changing environments.(招聘講演) Cranfield Health Seminar, Cranfield University Silsoe Campus (2006.12.14; Cranfield, United Kingdom)
Kawano, T. (2006) Role of reactive oxygen species as signaling molecules in plant responses to abiotic and biotic stresses.(招聘講演)Einladung zum Botanischen Kolloquium, Die Botanischen Institute, Universitat Bonn (2006.12.08; Bonn, Germany)
Kawano, T. (2006) Early plant cell responses to ozone. ( 招聘講演) Seminaires internes et internationaux !!! du Laboratoire d’Electrophysiologie des Membranes (LEM), Universite de Paris 7 (Universite Denis Diderot) (2006.11.28; Paris, France)
Kawano, T. (2006) Use of aquatic organisms for assessing the eco-toxicity of detergents released to the environments.(招聘講演)中国国家林業国際合作公司招聘講演会 (2006. 11. 13-19; 中国林業科学研 究院・森林生態環境与保護研究所、中華人民共和国・北京市)
Kawano, T. (2006) Biochemical and cell biological mechanisms of ozone response (symptom formation) in ozone-biomonitoring plants. (招聘講演)中国国家林業国際合作公司招聘講演会 (2006. 11. 13-19; 中 国林業科学研究院・森林生態環境与保護研究所、中華人民共和国・北京市)
Kawano, T. (2006) Effets de l’ozone sur la production de ROS, la mobilisation du Ca2+, et la mort cellulaire chez les cellules Bel-B et Bel-W3.(招聘講演)Universite de Paris 7 (Universite Denis Diderot) (2006.5.15; Paris, France)
Kawano, T. (2006) Bouffee oxydante et reponses des cellules vegetales aux formes actvees de l'oxygene. (招 聘講演)Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Universite de Paris 6) (2006.5.10; Paris, France)
Kawano, T. (2004) Early events in salicylic acid signal transduction from oxidative bursts to calcium signaling. (招聘講演)Kolloquium de Julius-von-Sachs-Institute, Julius-von-Sachs-Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Wurzburg (2004.7.15; Wurzburg, Germany)
Kawano, T. (2004) Recent research advances in generation of reactive oxygen species during plant responses to environments.(招聘講演)INRA Centre de Nancy (2004.7.13; Champenoux, France)
Kawano, T. (2003) Plant ROS production as a key event in plant defense induction.(招聘講演)韓国生命工 学研究院バイオドリームスセミナー (2003.10.10, 大韓民国大田市)
Kawano, T. (2000) Mechanism of peroxidase actions for generation of reactive oxygen species during plant defense induction.(招聘講演)Biologie Vegetale Seminaire, Department of Plant Biology, Universite de Geneve (2000.11.17, Geneve, Switzerland).
Kawano, T. (2000) Stimulation of extracellular oxidative burst and Ca2+ signaling by salicylic acid and aromatic monoamines in tobacco cell suspension culture.(招聘講演)Katedra biochemie a mikrobiologie ChTF STU, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Slovak University of Technology (2000.10.17, Bratislava, Republic of Slovakia).
パリ第 7 大学(Paris Diderot 大学)2007−2008 年度・招聘教授として、同大学大学院修士1 年次生対 象コースM1-Master BioGeoMedia において“Action de l’acide salicylique sur l’induction des mecanismes de defense chez les plantes”と題した特別講義を行った(出張期間:平成19 年11 月10 日〜平成20 年 1月18 日)。
パリ第 7 大学(Denis Diderot 大学)2005−2006 年度・招聘教授として、同大学3年次生を対象に“Acide salicylique: un signal defense chez les plantes”と題した特別講義を行った(出張期間:平成18 年3 月 29 日〜6 月3 日)。
中国福建省廈門市・廈門大学生物科学部・分子生物学講師(平成17 年9 月26 日)、同大学の楊昌盛 副教授の招聘により大学3年次生を対象に「分子生物学講義」の一環として “Molecular biology of salicylic acid actions in plants”と題した特別講義を行った。