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Presentations at International Conferences & Symposia (2016-2020)
■国際会議(2016〜2020)■■2020(TO BE UPDATED!!!)
■2019 (as ob 27th Oct., 2019!!!)
Kawano, T. and Suzuki, T. (2019) Novel plant growing lights with designed dark-lines allowing photosynthetic growth controls and noninvasive optical monitoring of physiological parameters in vegetables and algae. OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2019(LSSE Session organized by RIKEN)(2019.04.29, Yokohama, Japan)(an invited speech)
Kawano, T. (2019) A toy model for ecological resilience found in the nature of Japanese paper balloon. The 1st Scientific Assembly of the Centre Franco-Japonais d'Histoire des Sciences (CFJHS) jointly held by International Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology (LINV). (2019.05.30; Kitakyushu, Japan) (国際ワークショップ)(口頭)
Kawano, T. (2019) Anthropocene research club (ARC) handling the future. The 1st Scientific Assembly of the Centre Franco-Japonais d'Histoire des Sciences (SFJHC) jointly held by International Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology (LINV). (2019.05.30; Kitakyushu, Japan) (国際ワークショップ)(口頭)
塘林優香、酒本卓典、河野央子、郷原寛美、河野智謙(2019)「国有林・林分密度試験地での針葉樹生育データを活用した林野火災の消失樹木由来のCO2放出量推計のための1変数材積式の開発」北九州市立大学国際光合成産業化研究センター・フィレンツェ大学国際植物ニューロバイオロジー研究所合同ワークショップ「植物の光センシングの科学と応用」(IPIRC-LINV Joint Workshop "Photo-sensing in plants") (2019.05.29; Kitakyushu, Japan) (国際ワークショップ)(口頭)(使用言語:日本語)
Kawano, T. and Ushifusa, Y. (2018) Introduction to the ongoing academic alliance among OECD-selected environmental model cities. KEYS 2018 on Green Cities: Paris Diderot-Kitakyushu Knowledge Exchange by Young Scholars on Green Cities. (2018.11.08-09; Paris, France) . (an invited speech)
Kawano, T.. (2018) Fate of morning dews on plant leaves: Blue-Light-stimulated water exchange through stomata in model plants supporting the novel role for stomata in plant water physiology. International Symposium. Plant Development Biology and Molecular Breeding of Tree Species (2018.08.28-30; Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China). (an invited speech)
Kawano, T., Sakasegawa, K., Moritaka, K., Comparini, D. (2018) Photochemical redox-reactions regulating the seed germination. Plant Cell Signaling 2018 (PCS2018): La graine dans tous ses etats approches interdisciplinaires (2018.07.06; Paris, France). (an invited speech)
Takahashi, N., Kawano, T. (2018) A survey and evaluation of the actions of Kitakyushu city for sustainable city and communities as a OECD-selected Green Growth model cities: the past and the future. KEYS 2018 on Green Cities: Paris Diderot-Kitakyushu Knowledge Exchange by Young Scholars on Green Cities. (2018.11.08-09; Paris, France) (国際ワークショップ)(口頭)
Kawano, T. (2018) Plant production science and applied field studies in Kitakyushu. OECD Green City Open Discussion. (2018.3.13, Univ. Paris-Diderot, Paris, France) (国際ワークショップ)(口頭)
Kawano, T. (2018) Research topics for GGMC at Photosyntheis Industrialization Research Center at Univ. of Kitakyushu. Knowledge-Exchange for Sustainable Energy Research. (2018.3.16, Bremerhaven University, Bremerhaven Germany) (国際交流)(口頭)
Kawano, T. (2018) Plant production science and applied field studies in Kitakyushu. OECD Green City Open Discussion. (2018.3.14, Bonn University, Bonn, Germany) (国際ワークショップ)(口頭)
Kawano, T. (2017) Fate of Morning dews on plant leaves under the first rays of morning sun: A novel role for stomata and impacts on plant cells. PCS2017: The 5th International Symposium on Plant Cell Signaling, (2017.07.02-04; Kitakyushu, Japan) (国際シンポジウム、主催者講演)
Kawano, T., Comparini, D., Uchimura, O., Uezu, K. (2017) Natural and artificial photosynthesis models for capturing carbon dioxide into fuels. 5th International Symposium on Plant Signaling and Behavior, (2017.06.26-2017.07.01; Matsue, Japan)(国際シンポジウム、主催者講演)
Uezu, K., Kawano, T., and Uchimura, O. (2017) Prediction of the reaction scheme for novel artificial photosynthesis system by the chemical engineering approach. 5th International Symposium on Plant Signaling and Behavior, (2017.06.26-2017.07.01; Matsue, Japan)(国際シンポジウム、主催者講演)
Kawano, T. (2017) Research topics for GGMC at Photosynthesis Industrialization Research Center at Univ. Kitakyushu. 1st Workshop for Academic Alliance among OECD Green Growth Model Cities -Monitoring, Modeling and Field Trials for Green Growth (2017:03.29, Kitakyushu). (国際シンポジウム、主催者講演)
Nguyen, H.T.H., Sei, A., Bouteau, F., Mazars, C., and Kawano, T. (2017) Hypoosmotic Modulation of Cytosolic and Nucleic Free Calcium Concentrations Involving Superoxide Anion in Tobacco Cells: Effect of solvents for pharmacological inhibitors.. PCS2017: The 5th International Symposium on Plant Cell Signaling, (2017.07.02-04; Kitakyushu, Japan) (国際シンポジウム)(口頭)
Ikemizu, A. and Kawano, T. (2017) Simulation of green paramecium growth in aquatic biotopes using a modified logistic differential equations. PCS2017: The 5th International Symposium on Plant Cell Signaling, (2017.07.02-04; Kitakyushu, Japan) (国際シンポジウム)(ポスター)
Nakamura, A., Tanaka, T., Ikeda, R., Kawano, T. (2017) Elevation of leaf nitrate content by exogenous glycine, a putative nitrogen uptake suppressing signal in hydroponically growing lettuce. (2) Hypothetical signaling mechanisms. PCS2017: The 5th International Symposium on Plant Cell Signaling, (2017.07.02-04; Kitakyushu, Japan) (国際シンポジウム)(ポスター)
Oshita, K., Takaichi, H., Okamoto, Y., and Kawano, T. (2017) Kinetics applied to classical data: Nature and nurture determining the modes of photosynthesis. PCS2017: The 5th International Symposium on Plant Cell Signaling, (2017.07.02-04; Kitakyushu, Japan) (国際シンポジウム)(ポスター)
Teraguchi, R., Kawano, T., Ohkawa, H. (2017) Observation of early events for initiation of symbiotic interaction between isolated algal cells and apo-symbiotic green paramecia (2): Uptake of micro algal cells. PCS2017: The 5th International Symposium on Plant Cell Signaling, (2017.07.02-04; Kitakyushu, Japan) (国際シンポジウム)(ポスター)
Yasui, R., Nakamura, A., and Kawano, T. (2017) Possible pro-oxidative and catalytic actions of Cu-loaded Histidine triad (HITP) motives found in mycoplasmic peptides. PCS2017: The 5th International Symposium on Plant Cell Signaling, (2017.07.02-04; Kitakyushu, Japan) (国際シンポジウム)(ポスター)
Bouteau, F., Tran, D., Kadono, T., Arbelet-Bonnin, D., Meimoun, P., Mancuso, S. and Kawano, T. (2017) Anion channel activation, a key event in retraction of the protoplast during PCD? 5th International Symposium on Plant Signaling and Behavior, (2017.06.26-2017.07.01; Matsue, Japan) . (国際シンポジウム)(口頭発表)
Nguyen, H.T.H., Sei, A., Bouteau, F., Mazars, C., and Kawano, T. (2017) Superoxide-dependent Positive and Negative Modulation of Hypo-osmotically Altered Cytosolic and Nucleic Calcium Ion Concentrations in Tobacco Cells.5th International Symposium on Plant Signaling and Behavior, (2017.06.26-2017.07.01; Matsue, Japan) . (国際シンポジウム)(口頭発表)
Comparini, D., Nguyen, H.T.H., Ueda, Kota., Moritaka, K., Kihara, T., and Kawano, T. (2017) Effect of different light spectra on the pigmentation of stored elephant garlic. 5th International Symposium on Plant Signaling and Behavior, (2017.06.26-2017.07.01; Matsue, Japan) . (国際シンポジウム)(ポスター)
Ikemizu, A., Takaichi, H., and Kawano, T. (2017) Practically modified logistic equations for eco-toxicity evaluation using green paramecia. 5th International Symposium on Plant Signaling and Behavior, (2017.06.26-2017.07.01; Matsue, Japan) . (国際シンポジウム)(ポスター)
Kawano, N., Ikemizu, A., Kawano, T. (2017) Eco-toxicity evaluation of soap-based fire-fighting agents assayed using Japanese earthworm (Aporrectodea trapezoides). 5th International Symposium on Plant Signaling and Behavior, (2017.06.26-2017.07.01; Matsue, Japan) . (国際シンポジウム)(ポスター)
Nakamura, A., Tanaka, T., Ikeda, R., Kawano, T. (2017) Elevation of leaf nitrate content by exogenous glycine, a putative nitrogen uptake suppressing signal in hydroponically growing lettuce. (1) Experimental data. 5th International Symposium on Plant Signaling and Behavior, (2017.06.26-2017.07.01; Matsue, Japan) . (国際シンポジウム)(ポスター)
Noda, K., Nakamura, A., Tanaka, T., Ikeda, R., Kawano, T. (2017) Possible physiological roles for liquid water uptake via blue light stimulated stomata in lettuce leaves. 5th International Symposium on Plant Signaling and Behavior, (2017.06.26-2017.07.01; Matsue, Japan) . (国際シンポジウム)(ポスター)
Oshita, K., Hara, A., Matsumoto, M., and Kawano, T. (2017) Non-invasive quantification of oil-producing marine microalgae population based on reflection and fluorescent spectroscopy. 5th International Symposium on Plant Signaling and Behavior, (2017.06.26-2017.07.01; Matsue, Japan) . (国際シンポジウム)(ポスター)
Saiki, T., Balusamy, J., Kawano, T. (2017) Light-dependent greening in plants (1): Use of Arabidopsis thaliana mutant lines. 5th International Symposium on Plant Signaling and Behavior, (2017.06.26-2017.07.01; Matsue, Japan) . (国際シンポジウム)(ポスター)
Yasui, R., Nakamura, A., and Kawano, T. (2017) Possible roles for hitherto-unknown gene-coded peptides with histidine triad motif in the synthetic minimal genome of Mycoplasma mycoides, JCVI-syn3.0. 5th International Symposium on Plant Signaling and Behavior, (2017.06.26-2017.07.01; Matsue, Japan) . (国際シンポジウム)(ポスター)
Kawano, T., Teraguchi, R., Ohkawa, H. (2017) Observation of early events for initiation of symbiotic interaction between isolated algal cells and apo-symbiotic green paramecia (1): Uptake of artificial particles. 5th International Symposium on Plant Signaling and Behavior, (2017.06.26-2017.07.01; Matsue, Japan) . (国際シンポジウム)(ポスター)
Kato, T., Dewancker, B., Haraguchi, A., Inoue, K., Kawano, T., Kido, M., Minami, H., Nakatake, S., Okuyama, Y., Uezu, K., Yasui, H. (2017) R & D Center for Fire and Environmental Safety. The Third Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction (GSRIDRR 2017) (2017.03.19-21; Kyoto, Japan). (国際、ポスター)
Nakamura, A., Hara, Y. and Kawano, T. (2017) Dewatering and extraction of hydrophilic solutes and essential oils from cryo-preserved lemon peels using liquefied dimethyl ether. 1st Workshop for Academic Alliance among OECD Green Growth Model Cities -Monitoring, Modeling and Field Trials for Green Growth (2017:03.29, Kitakyushu). (国際、ポスター)
Okamoto, Y., Balusamy, J., Matsumoto, M. and Kawano, T. (2017) Simulation of outdoor photosynthesis and growth of oil-producing marine diatoms based on novel mathematical approaches. 1st Workshop for Academic Alliance among OECD Green Growth Model Cities -Monitoring, Modeling and Field Trials for Green Growth (2017:03.29, Kitakyushu). (国際、ポスター)
Nguyen, H.T.H., Sei, a., Bouteau, F., Mazars, C. and Kawano, T. (2017) Superoxide modulates the hypo-osmotic-induced cytosolic and nucleic calcium ion concentration in tobacco cells. 1st Workshop for Academic Alliance among OECD Green Growth Model Cities -Monitoring, Modeling and Field Trials for Green Growth (2017:03.29, Kitakyushu). (国際、ポスター)
Kato, T., Dewancker, B., Haraguchi, A., Inoue, K., Kawano, T., Kido, M., Minami, H., Nakatake, S., Okuyama, Y., Uezu, K., Yasui, H. (2017) R & D Center for Fire and Environmental Safety. The Third Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction (GSRIDRR 2017) (2017.03.19-21; Kyoto, Japan). (国際、ポスター)
Kawano, T., Nguyen, H., Sei, A., Bouteau, F., and Mazar, C. (2016) Distinct ROS-mediated calcium signaling profiles in cytosolic and nucleic spaces in tobacco cells in response to hypoosmotic shock. Plant Cell Signaling 2016 , Beijing, China(2016:12.05-07, Beijing Forestry University-College of Biological Sciences and Technology & Beijing Botanical Society; Beijing, China). (国際シンポジウム、招聘講演)
Ikemizu, A. and Kawano, T. (2016) Toxicities of novel fire-fighting form formulae assayed in different water conditions from fresh to brackish waters. Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Environment (SEE Osaka 2016) (2016. 11. 21-23., Osaka, Japan). (口頭) (査読あり)
Oshita, K., Hara, A., Suzuki, T., and Kawano, T. (2016) Effect of NIR-absorbing optical filter on the photosynthetic response in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 under solar simulating artificial light. Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Environment (SEE Osaka 2016) (2016. 11. 21-23., Osaka, Japan). (口頭) (査読あり)
Nakamura, A., Hara, Y., and Kawano, T. (2016) Extraction of essential oils from frozen lemon peels using liquefied dimethyl ether. Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Environment (SEE Osaka 2016) (2016. 11. 21-23., Osaka, Japan). (ポスター) (査読あり)
Nakamura, A., Hara, Y., and Kawano, T. (2016) Dewatering and extraction of solutes from frozen plant tissues using liquefied dimethyl ether. The 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2016) (2016. 08. 07-10., Gifu, Japan). (口頭) (査読あり)
Kikuchi, A. and Kawano, T. (2015) Arithmetic DNA for binary additions: Designing a combined AND-XOR circuit using a circular DNA. Twelfth International Symposium on Management Engineering 2015 (2015.09.01-04, Kitakyushu, Japan)(査読あり)【情報】