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Nguyen, H.T.H., Bouteau, F., Mazars, C., Kuse, M., Kawano, T. (2019) Enhanced elevations of hypo-osmotic shock-induced cytosolic and nucleic calcium concentrations in tobacco cells by pretreatment with dimethyl sulfoxide. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 83(2): 318-312. (査読あり)
(翻訳協力)ステファノ・マンクーゾ(著),久保耕司(訳),河野智謙(翻訳協力)(2018)「植物は<未来>を知っている」NHK出版 全303頁.
Nguyen, H.T.H., Bouteau, F., Mazars, C., Kuse, M., Kawano, T. * (2018) The involvement of calmodulin and protein kinases in the upstream of cytosolic and nucleic calcium signaling induced by hypoosmotic shock in tobacco cells. Plant Sig. Bihav. 13 (8), e1494467. (査読あり)
Tran, D., Dauphin, A., Meimoun, P., Kadono, T., Nguyen, H.T.H., Arbelet-Bonnin, D., Errakhi, R., Lehner, A., Kawano, T., and Bouteau, F. (2018) Methanol induces cytosolic calcium variations, membrane depolarization and ethylene production in Arabidopsis and tobacco. Annals of Botany 122(5): 849-860 ( (査読あり)
Oshita, K., Suzuki, T., and Kawano, T.,* (2018) Possible roles of near-infrared light on the photosynthesis in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 under solar simulating artificial light. Environmental Control in Biology 56(1): 17-21. (査読あり)
Kawano, T.* (2018) Digital and/or biological essentials for novel liberal education required for raising future innovators: A perspective position article learning from scientific revolutions during the renaissance and the age of enlightenment. CIEE Journal- The University of Kitakyushu(北九州市立大学国際論集)16: 149-161.)
Comparini, D., Nguyen, H.T.H., Ueda, K., Moritaka, K., Kihara, T., and Kawano, T. (2017) Effect of different light spectra on the pigmentation of stored elephant garlic. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 98(7): 2598-2606.( doi: 10.1002/jsfa.8752). (査読あり)
Nakamura, A., Hara, Y. and Kawano, T.* (2017) Dewatering and extraction of hydrophilic solutes and essential oils from cryo-preserved lemon peels using liquefied dimethyl ether. Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan 24(1): 37-45. (査読あり)
河野智謙(2017)生態系を構成する生物への影響に配慮した消火剤の開発.環境と消防6(1): 13-23. (解説)
Hara, A., Takaichi, H., Murata, Y., Sakata, R., Hara, Y., Iwase, J., Comparini, D., Suzuki, T., and Kawano, T.*(2016) Optical evaluation of the shading properties of a climbing fern Lygodium japonicum used as a thermal buffering green wall plant. Advances in Horticultural Science 30(2): 59-67. (査読あり)
Takaichi, H. and Kawano, T.* (2016) Expanded and practical use of logistic equations in eco-toxicity evaluation: cases of lethal metal toxicity curves in green paramecia with minimal-sized experiments. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 20(5):681-690. (査読あり)
Kikuchi, A. and Kawano, T.* (2016) Discrete biochemistry of DNA: arithmetic DNA molecules for binary additions, naturally found genetic logic circuits for plant sensing, and DNA-based animation. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 20(5):671-680. (査読あり)
Nguyen, H.T.H., Umemura, K., and Kawano, T.* (2016) Indole-3-acetic acid-induced oxidative burst and an increase in cytosolic calcium ion concentration in rice suspension culture. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 80(8): 1546-1554. (査読あり)
Inokuchi, R. and Kawano, T.* (2016) Fluorescent monitoring of copper-occupancy in His-ended catalytic oligo-peptides. Communicative and Integrative Biology 9(4): e1156277. (査読あり)
Inokuchi, R., Takaishi, H. and Kawano, T.* (2016) Fluorometric quantification of ferulic acid concentrations based on deconvolution of intrinsic fluorescence spectra. Environmental Control in Biology 54(1): 57-64. (査読あり)
Okamoto, Y., Haraguchi, A., Suzuki, T., and Kawano, T.* (2016) New discussion on Boysen-Jensen’s photosynthetic response curves under plant canopy and proposal of practical equations for monitoring and management of canopy photosynthesis. Environmental Control in Biology 54(1):7-16. (査読あり)
Comparini, D., Kihara, T., and Kawano, T. (2016) Uses of X-ray 3D-Computed-Tomography to monitor the development of garlic shooting inside the intact cloves. Environmental Control in Biology 54(1): 39-44. (査読あり)
Furukawa, H., Kikuchi, A., Noriyasu, A., Bouteau, F., Nishihama, S., Yoshizuka, K., Li X., and Kawano, T.* (2016) Use of liquefied dimethyl ether for the extraction of proteins from vegetable tissues. Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan 23(1): 127-135. (査読あり)
Hara, Y., Kikuchi, A., Noriyasu, A., Furukawa, H., Takaichi, H., Inokuchi, R., Bouteau, F., Chin, S., Li X., Nishihama, S., Yoshizuka, K., and Kawano, T.* (2016) Batch extraction of oil from rice bran with liquefied low temperature dimethyl ether. Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan 23(1): 87-99. (査読あり)
渡辺慎一, 松尾征徳, 北ア一義, 鮫島國親, 澤井祐典, 諸岡譲, 篠ア正俊, 田中健一郎, 田中達也, 河野智謙, 吉田敏 (2016) 完全人工光型植物工場の簡易栽培システムにおける木材パルプ培地でのカイワレダイコン(Raphanus sativus L.) の生育および一般生菌数.植物環境工学 (J.SHITA)28(1):29-34.(和文・短報)(査読あり)